Thursday, January 19, 2012

No More Racism

Throughout history, racism has been a huge problem. Even after slavery and World War II, racism seems to hang over our heads, never leaving. Even though our nation has gotten a lot better about it over time, there is so much room for improvement. One day, I hope that we can overlook the differences between each other (entirely) and live together in peace.

            Not only is this issue big in our whole nation, but it’s also kind of personal to me. As probably most of you know, my grandma was born in the Nicaragua (if you don’t know where that is…Google it), and moved to the US when she was around 30. She didn’t know much English, and didn’t even know how to drive. So, fitting in around here was pretty tough for her. If not knowing English wasn’t enough, she was also obviously from somewhere else by the color of her skin. I don’t know if it was any worse when she was younger, but now, she tells me all these things about how people are racist towards her. She’s a sensitive person so I don’t if people are actually being prejudice, but she tells me things about how the cashier at Macy’s gave her a hard time or somebody looked at her weirdly for no reason. My grandma likes to make scenes, so these things could be just part of her imagination, but I think that these things kind of show that racism is definitely around today.

            I honestly do not face that many problems with racism myself. The only thing that makes me look “different” from some people is that my skin is a little bit darker than normal. Most people just comment on it saying, “You’re so tan!” and things like that. A couple people do occasionally ask where I’m from or something, but I don’t seem to ever be judged by my answer. I don’t really know why things are so different for me than for my grandma, but I guess it’s that maybe our society is getting a little better about being racist…A little bit? But, I know that things are harder for people who are more obviously of a different race, so I hope one day we don’t have to face these problems in life. 

Picture from Google Images

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