Monday, January 23, 2012


            Over the past few months, there’s been a big decision on my mind. This issue is something that will basically determine my future (no pressure…), so it’s been pretty stressful to think about. I’ve been trying to decide where to go to high school. I obviously have my options of where I want to go, and submitted my applications, but pretty soon I will have to make the final decision. For some people in my class, it’s easy for them; they have their “dream school” to go to if they’re accepted. And even if they can’t go to that place, there is a back-up plan that they are still kind of happy about.  But for me, the decision is more complicated.

            For one thing, I have three options. This may seem like actually a small amount of options, but the decision kind of more than that. What I mean by this is that the high school I go to depends a lot on many other things. My options are: George School, Council Rock North, and Pennsbury High School. I guess you might think I would obviously want to go to George School, since I go to a private school now. Honestly, I do want to go there, but not really that much. I think going to a Quaker school my whole life has kind of turned me off from going to a high school like that. It’s not that I don’t like it, I just feel like I’m in a bubble half the time. Even when I was younger, I remember thinking about how strict the teachers were at recess time and things like that. I remember always getting “yelled at” for not including someone to play with me or my friends or going on the grass… I feel like I didn’t really have the chance to be a free and really happy kid. And, now (in eighth grade), I still feel a lot of those limitations. The teachers are now especially hard on us since we’re supposed to be the “role models” for the school, so I’m excited for next year where there will be less pressure since I’ll be the “new kid.” Another problem I have with going to a private school is the size. I know not all Quaker schools are so small, but Newtown Friends and George School are not big at all. I guess it would help because it’s less people to worry about and you could learn more. But, for me, I just can’t wait to get out because I’ve known and been in classes with the same people for like 9 years now. So, when I go to high school, I would kind of rather there be a lot more people, so I can learn to branch out and make new friends.

            There are a couple issues with going to public school though. First off, there’s the fact that there would be at least 10x more people in my grade than in eighth grade right now. I definitely think the first few weeks would be hard, adjusting to the way the school works, trying to make new friends, and there will probably be a big workload. And then, at the moment, I’m faced with the decision of “picking” whether I want to go to Council Rock or Pennsbury. I know I can’t really pick because it’s decided based on where I live, but when I pick where I want to go, I could move. Moving, of course, is not an easy thing to do. If I stayed where I live now, I would go to Pennsbury. For some reason, I don’t really want to go there. I guess it’s because there are like 1,000 people in the grade, which is just crazy to me. Also, I know a lot of the people that go there, and they aren’t the most “classy” people, and I’m not sure if I would fit in. I know I would make friends and get used to it after a while, but I would rather go to Council Rock. It’s a little bit smaller than Pennsbury, and I know more people there that I could be friends with and I would maybe fit in better there. Also, my good friends from school here, Ben and Emma, will be going to there. So at least I could be friends with a couple people. I guess I would like to go to George School or North, but we’ll see what happens. My dream is that next year when I go to high school, I’ll be happy with my choice and have a good four years full of memories there.

Pictures from Google Images 

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