Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Overcome My Fears

            As a normal human, I have many fears on a day-to-day basis. These fears vary from really small things, to pretty big things. Even the smallest fears are important to me; they affect how I act or feel. Sometimes, my fear of something can be so strong, but I never try to overcome it. One day, I want to be able to face my fears comfortably and get over them.

            Some of my fears can even control how I live my life. For example, if I come home alone, I have to turn on every single light in my house. This is because I have a huge fear of the dark. I’ve had this fear ever since I was little, and it really hasn’t changed much. When I was a kid, I was terrified of someone coming into my house and taking me, or things like that. I guess I watched too much TV or something… Anyways, in all those movies or shows I watched, the worst things happened in the dark. There was always something or someone waiting, ready to hurt you in some way. So, I would always look into the dark and see shadows of things or imagine that there was something there. I think this fear has gotten a little better over the years. Like now, I sometimes go into a room to get something for like 10 seconds… but then I turn the lights back on. I guess I could hope that I could gradually improve, but I think that some fears may never go away.

            Unlike my fear of the dark, which just kind of grew from my imagination, some fears can come from past experiences. For me, this past experience was when I got into a car crash with my babysitter, about 4 or 5 years ago. It was just a normal summer day, and I was coming home from her house. When suddenly, some idiot ran the red light and crashed right into the driver’s side of our car. I won’t go into much detail, but I was thankfully un-harmed except for a couple of bruises from the seat belt (thank God for those…). Unfortunately, my babysitter was not so lucky and got a cut and some pretty bad internal damage to her forehead. When it happened, I was just in so much shock and I couldn’t really believe that it was reality. Before I knew it, I was in an ambulance (my first time in one, how exciting) with just my babysitter and her boyfriend. At that moment, I felt so alone and scared without my parents or even anyone I knew able to help me. It took my babysitter at least a month to heal, and even though my bruises faded, I think I’m scarred forever by that experience. When I’m in the car now, I am so scared of something happening to us. I think I watch the road more than the driver does, and I freak out when we even come close to getting in a crash. I think this fear has caused the most damage, because now I’m even afraid to learn how to drive. For most teenagers, driving is something they look forward to more than anything. For me, it’s just another thing to be scared of, because of something that happened years ago. I hope maybe one day I can get over this fear, but I have a feeling it will stick with me for a while.

Picture from Google Images  

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